Bundle of Père Lachaise Cemetery: Self-Guided Audio Tours

Paris, France

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Bundle of Père Lachaise Cemetery: Self-Guided Audio Tours
Go on a series of humorous GPS-triggered audioguide walks of the world’s most visited cemetery: Père Lachaise. Amazing sculptures and racy stories await you. Mysteries are uncovered, like what was Edith Piaf’s last ride? Which piece from composer Chopin is missing? What did Abélard lose by loving Héloïse? We'll present poets, pensmiths and playwrights like Wilde, Balzac and Molière. Rock out with reposing stars like Jim Morrison, Rossini and Bizet. You'll meet more painters than you can shake a stick at. Hear fascinating stories from their lives in this fun stroll through the largest open-air museum, a park of a thousand sculptures and a million stories. Your guide, a local author, will share 50 of them in The Chairfather tours. Put three hours of content in your pocket with this package of all three walks for the price of two. 

Come walk with The Chairfather. It's an offer you can't refuse!