Vienna: Medieval Legends Exploration Game & Tour

Vienna, Austria

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Vienna: Medieval Legends Exploration Game & Tour
Embark on a quest around Vienna by solving clues playing the role of the famous Marx Augustin in 1679 during the Great Plague, all with the help of your smartphone. Unlock new stories as you discover on your own the Historic Center of Vienna, St. Stephen's Cathedral, Hofburg, and more.

Ready to travel back in time?

+ Explore Vienna's old taverns that Mozart and Beethoven used to go to
+ Walk along Vienna's medieval streets
+ Discover the legend of the most famous balladeer in Vienna
Visit St. Stephen's Cathedral, Hofburg, and the tavern

After you buy the quest, you will receive a code that grants you access to the quest in the Questo app. Each clue will lead you from one place to another, giving you exact directions, so you won’t need a map or GPS.

You won’t need a guide, just download the app, go to the starting point and you’re ready to go on a city exploration adventure.